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Dancing Owl Apothecary - Eagle Owl in a Field

Dancing Owl Apothecary

Personalized, Intuitively-Crafted,
Spirit-Guided Plant Remedies
& Sacred Spirit Medicine Healing Sessions

Medicine for Your Spirit

At Dancing Owl Apothecary, we take a different approach to working with plant medicine and healing sessions. Rather than focusing on one aspect of healing - energetic, mental, physical, or emotional - we take a truly holistic approach that begins with the higher wisdom and perspective of Spirit.


In order to heal and embody your Whole Soul, we take a "top-down" approach in which your Higher Self or Spirit is the guide of the process. The wisdom given by your Higher Self allows for the mental, energetic, emotional, and physical healing we are all seeking.


Most of western society (and the world) have become completely disconnected from Spirit. This is reflected in the materialistic, reductionistic, and self-destructive behavior that most people participate in.

The world is in spiritual crisis.


Thankfully, many are being called back to Spirit through plant medicine, often through psychedelics, and spiritual awakening. As we work through this global awakening, reclaim our sovereign power, and step into our birthright of the co-creators of reality, it's important that we have the support and guidance of those who are further on the path. Perspective and wisdom are gained through experience.


Our plant allies have been with us since the dawn of mankind. They know what we need and are waiting patiently for people to return to their wisdom.


Reconnecting to Spirit through these medicines is a beautiful way to bring ourselves gently back to life through healing our core wounds and dismantling protective mechanisms. Along the way, we will find many old friends in these plants, and in the soul family we reconnect to on our paths.

Plant Medicine

Learn more about connecting to Spirit through sacred plant medicine blends intuitively crafted for you guided by Spirit for your personal spiritual needs.

Spirit Medicine

Learn more about healing with Spirit in one-on-one sessions with sacred song, Spirit connection, energy work, and blessings. Assisted by our Plant Allies.

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"If you want to know the secrets of the Universe, go talk to a tree."

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