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About Me

While I can't point to any one specific event that began my spiritual awakening, there are two events that were really integral on my awakening journey.


Several years ago I had an "activation" experience in which Beings (I've never called them aliens as they were not necessarily physical; I understood them to be and called them Interdimensional Beings even though I had no idea what that meant at the time) came into my room and delivered a message, in which I gave a reply. The scripted nature of what was said, both by them and myself, has led me to believe that it was an activation that I had set before incarnating here.


My actual path of awakening began in September 2021 when I began to feel like I was grieving the loss of humanity - like the entire world was dying and I could feel the grief of that. I began receiving intuitive messages about the "great divergence." This made no sense to me at the time, but set me off on a path to find answers.


After various awakenings throughout 2022, I eventually followed my intuition to Colorado where, through the most incredible set of synchronicities, I found myself at an ayahuasca retreat. This set me onto my true path of becoming a healer, shaman, and medicine woman.


My path has included being attuned to Reiki, which I find to be a very potent form of energy healing, although at times I feel that many practitioners are unwilling to look at the really heavy attachments that many people have. Incorporating shamanic practices into my work allows me to detach negative entities and energies and to dispose of them accordingly.


Much of my work with regular clients involves Shadow Work and Inner Child healing, which are potent forms of working with and healing our mind. Our mind is an incredibly powerful and intelligent tool that will do almost anything to help protect our soul, which can include fracturing and hiding away aspects of ourselves. Shamans call this Soul Loss, and reclaiming those aspects of ourselves is a powerful healing tool. Much of this is done through Shadow Work (which I define as bringing the Light of Awareness to our Unconsciousness) and through Inner Child work.


I have also worked on training in herbalism for the past two years, but I've found their approach to be so similar to allopathic medicine (problem/solution) that it still does not feel truly holistic. One must address the Whole Being (Spirit, Soul, Mind, Emotions, Energy, and Body) in order to create true healing, and since most herbalists aren't concerned with much more than the chemical makeup of the plant, or, sometimes, the energy of the plant, they aren't able to connect to the full wisdom of the Spirit of the plant and the Higher Self of the person.


This is something I have practiced for lifetimes, and it was very confusing for me for a long time as to why herbalism didn't feel quite right. It wasn't until I began sitting with Ayahuasca and learning with the Elders in South America that I understood why the approach felt off.


After doing three self-administered dietas (an attunement process that last approximately 3 weeks or more) with Rose, Cacao, and Mugwort, I realized the true importance of these plants and how they are here to help heal the world. The wisdom they share with us and the healing they help provide goes so far beyond what many can imagine.


The core mission of Dancing Owl Apothecary is to address is the deep spiritual disconnection in our world. Our Plant Allies are here to help with the same mission, and, working together with them, we can restore balance and harmony to our world.


Helping you connect to the spirit of each of these plants and allowing them to share their wisdom and guide you on our path of healing and growth is at the heart of what I do.


What we heal in ourselves, we heal in the world.

Dancing Owl Apothecary - Eagle owl sitting on a rock in a meadow
About Me
I am Owl. She is the embodiment of True Sight, seeing through the Darkness of others to their Core Light, and protection from the Darkness. She teaches the wisdom of Death and letting go.
I am Tiger. She is the embodiment of raw power, protection, patience, strength, and decisive action. She teaches temperance lest our power evoke fear or cause damage.
I am Rose. She is the embodiment of beauty, compassion, the power of emotions, an unconditional love. She teaches that time and care are the most important elements to creation, as well as boundaries for ourselves and others.
I am Mugwort. She is the embodiment of the psychopomp, wisdom gained through experience, magical power, and Keeper of the Underworld. She teaches responsible use of magic, visions, how to keep aspects of ourselves hidden from those who would do us harm, and navigating the Underworld.
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